For Such A Time As This - OrthoChallenge

On-Demand Interviews / April 20, 2020

2020 OrthoChallenge Winner Dr. Fred Ferlic, Retired Orthopaedic Surgeon, Chief Medical Officer, TayCo

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2020 OrthoChallenge Winner The Tayco External Ankle Brace Brace, LLC
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Dr. Joseph Zuckerman



For Such a time as this - Orthochallenge

It is estimated that over 90% of orthopedic surgeries have been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many in the orthopedic community (surgeons, nurses, physical therapists, sales and industry) now have time to turn their focus on how we can ‘rise above’ this current crisis to support our patients awaiting surgery. Top orthopedic leaders have come together to harness the opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ by creating For Such A Time As This - OrthoChallenge.

"As the world faces this pandemic crisis, we are calling on our colleagues to come together and do our ‘orthopedic part’. The innovations from this initiative have the potential to transform and improve the care we provide orthopedic patients.  We can create wholly new treatment modalities, products and services that will benefit orthopedic patients and surgeons while sparking new growth opportunities for the orthopedic industry. "

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